What is it and why we want it

The Buy vs. Rent question confuses countless people daily.
We seek help online, being almost invariably mislead by over-simplistic tools.

The plethora of calculators found on the web in the majority of cases do not properly handle several important aspects of the cost/benefit analysis of buying vs. renting.

For instance:

This calculator (running on shinyapps.io) implements a more comprehensive and realistic picture, including these and other ingredients, and yields a statistical assessment of the buy vs. rent question by means of simulations.

A Simulations-based Approach

Given a set of input parameters, 250 simulations are performed, with stochastic “predictions” of the time varying values of:

For the first three, values are drawn from Normal distributions with means and standard deviations given among the application inputs. The additional rent increase rate is drawn from an exponential distribution.

For each simulation a ‘trade-off’ value is computed, giving the difference between buying the given property and renting (including the return of the investment of the cash not put into the property) for each year, for the duration of the mortgage loan. Positive values are in favor of buying, negative indicate that renting would be more beneficial financially.

Application Results

The simulations results are summarized in three plots showing:

  1. the trends of the ‘tradeoff’ amount,
  2. the fraction of simulations favoring buying over renting, over time,
  3. the distribution of tradeoff amounts over time, highligthing the distributions at 1/2, 3/4 and at the end of the loan period.

The simulations performed by this simple Application are purely based on general probability density functions, namely Gaussian and Exponential.

However it is clear that for the Annual Variations inputs it would be possible to apply a more real-data-driven approach, by sampling their values from distributions derived from real data from stock market or bonds investment returns, real estate property values, and inflation.

Investment returns could be drawn from a proxy for different investing styles: bond indexes for conservative, S&P500 for middle-ground, NASDAQ composite for more aggressive approach.
Real estate property values could be adjusted regionally, increasing the usefulness and relevance of the Calculator.

The data exist and accessible. I just did not have time to bring them into the fold

An example is shown below.

Examples of results with their summary plots

Case 1

test_input1 <- list(start_prop_value = 200000, 
                    down_payment_pct = 20.0, 
                    mortgage_rate    = 4.5, 
                    n_years          = 30, 
                    initial_fixed_costs = 6000.0, 
                    prop_tax_rate_pct   =  2.05,
                    prop_insurance      = 4000.0, 
                    HOA_monthly_fee     =  400.0,
                    start_rent          = 1500.0, 
                    rent_insurance      =  260.0, 
                    annual_appreciation    = 3.0, 
                    annual_appreciation_sd = 2.0, 
                    annual_inv             = 5.0, 
                    annual_inv_sd          = 7.0, 
                    annual_inflation       = 1.5, 
                    annual_inflation_sd    = 1.0, 
                    annual_rent_extra_increase_mean = 0.5, 
                    fraction_extra_cash_invested_pct = 50.0, 
                    income_tax_rate_pct = 25.0, 
                    itemized_deductions = 0.0, 
                    std_deduction = 12200, 
                    n_sim = 200)

# tmp.df <- data.frame(value = as.character(unlist(test_input1)))
# row.names(tmp.df) <- names(test_input1)

paramNames <- c("start_prop_value", "down_payment_pct", "mortgage_rate", "n_years", 
                "prop_tax_rate_pct", "prop_insurance", "HOA_monthly_fee",
                "start_rent", "rent_insurance",
                "annual_appreciation", "annual_appreciation_sd",
                "annual_inv", "annual_inv_sd",
                "annual_inflation", "annual_inflation_sd",
                "income_tax_rate_pct", "itemized_deductions", "std_deduction",

sims.tradeoff1 <- do.call(simulate_tradeoff, getParams1(test_input1, paramNames))
n.sim <- getParams1(test_input1, "n_sim")[[1]]
n.years <- getParams1(test_input1, "n_years")[[1]]

plot_sims(n.sim, n.years, sims.tradeoff1)

Case 2

The only difference from the previous case is the increase from 6.0% to 6.5% of the mean for the return of investment rate (annual_inv).

test_input2 <- test_input1
test_input2$annual_inv <- 6.5
sims.tradeoff2 <- do.call(simulate_tradeoff, getParams1(test_input2, paramNames))
plot_sims(n.sim, n.years, sims.tradeoff2)

Model Parameters

Buy, Rent and Tax Parameters

Property and mortgage

  • Purchase price ($)
  • Down payment (%)
  • Mortgage interest rate (%)
  • Duration (years)
  • Initial fixed costs ($): additional cost incurred when buying a property, e.g. closing costs, or repairs.

Ownership costs: property taxes, insurance, fees

  • Property tax rate (%)
  • Insurance cost ($): home-owner insurance premium (annual).
  • HOA fee ($): home-owner association fees (monthly).


  • Rent ($): monthly, ideally for a property comparable to that considered for purchase.
  • Renter insurance ($)
  • Fraction of saved cash re-invested (%): if the total costs of renting are lower than those of owning, a portion of the saved cash can be re-invested. This parameter regulates the fraction of this saved cash that is added to the investments.

Annual Variations

Property appreciation

Assuming uncorrelated normally distributed values.

  • Appreciation (%): mean yearly increase of property values.
  • Appreciation std. dev. (%): “volatility” of the property value changes.

Cash investment return

Assuming uncorrelated normally distributed values.

  • Return (%): mean yearly return of cash investments.
  • Return std. dev. (%): “volatility” of cash investment returns.


Assuming uncorrelated normally distributed values.

  • Inflation (%): mean yearly inflation rate.
  • Inflation std. dev. (%): “volatility” of inflation.

Rent increase

  • Extra increase over inflation (%): extra rate of increase of rent, on top of inflation.
    Values are drawn from an exponential distribution with this mean.



Source code of the user-defined functions:

  • scripts/my_functions_intro_1.R
    cumprod.matrix.old <- function(x) {
        nrows <- dim(x)[1] 
        ncols <- dim(x)[2]
        y <- matrix(1, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols)
        y[1, ] <- x[1, ]
        for (i in 2:nrows) {
            y[i, ] <- y[i-1, ]*x[i, ]
    cumprod.matrix <- function(x) {
        nrows <- dim(x)[1] 
        ncols <- dim(x)[2]
        y <- matrix(1, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols)
        y[1, ] <- x[1, ]
        for (i in 1:ncols) {
            y[, i] <- cumprod(x[, i])
    cumdiv.matrix <- function(x) {
        nrows <- dim(x)[1] 
        ncols <- dim(x)[2]
        y <- matrix(1, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols)
        y[1, ] <- x[1, ]
        for (i in 2:nrows) {
            y[i, ] <- x[i, ] / x[i-1, ]
    cumsum.matrix <- function(x) {
        nrows <- dim(x)[1] 
        ncols <- dim(x)[2]
        y <- matrix(1, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols)
        y[1, ] <- x[1, ]
        for (i in 1:ncols) {
            y[, i] <- cumsum(x[, i])
        #for (i in 2:nrows) {
        #    y[i, ] <- x[i, ] + x[i-1, ]
    cumsub.matrix <- function(x) {
        nrows <- dim(x)[1] 
        ncols <- dim(x)[2]
        y <- matrix(1, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols)
        y[1, ] <- x[1, ]
        for (i in 2:nrows) {
            y[i, ] <- x[i, ] - x[i-1, ]
    getParams1 <- function(input, pnames) {
        # input[["run_simul"]]
        params <- lapply(pnames, function(p) { input[[p]] })
        names(params) <- pnames
  • scripts/my_functions_intro_2.R
    # setup mortgage quantities
    setup_mortgage_monthly <- function(start_prop_value = 300000, 
                                       down_payment_pct = 20.0,
                                       mortgage_rate = 4.5,
                                       n_years = 30) {
        prop.value <- start_prop_value
        down.payment.fraction <- down_payment_pct / 100
        rate <- mortgage_rate / 100
        Nm <- 12*n_years
        loan <- prop.value*(1 - down.payment.fraction)
        rm <- rate / 12
        rm1 <- 1 + rm
        mo.payment <- rm*loan*rm1^Nm/(rm1^Nm - 1)
        x1 <- 1:Nm
        x2 <- 2:(Nm+1)
        loan.balance  <- loan*(rm1^Nm - rm1^(x1-1))/(rm1^Nm-1)
        loan.balance2 <- loan*(rm1^Nm - rm1^(x2-1))/(rm1^Nm-1)
        mo.payment.interest <- loan.balance*rm
        mo.payment.principal <- mo.payment - mo.payment.interest
        return(data.frame(balance.start = loan.balance, 
                          balance.end = loan.balance2,
                          interest = mo.payment.interest, 
                          principal = mo.payment.principal,
                          mo.payment = rep(mo.payment, Nm),
                          interest.cumul = cumsum(mo.payment.interest),
                          principal.cumul = cumsum(mo.payment.principal),
                          payment.cumul = cumsum(rep(mo.payment, Nm)))
    make_mortgage_annual <- function(monthly_data = NULL) {
        annual_data <- monthly_data[ (1:nrow(monthly_data)) %% 12 == 0, c(1, 2, 6, 7, 8)]
        annual_data$balance.start <-  monthly_data$balance.start[ (1:nrow(monthly_data) + 11) %% 12 == 0]
        rownames(annual_data) <- NULL
        annual_data.by_year <- cumsub.matrix(as.matrix(annual_data[, c(3, 4, 5)]))
        df <- data.frame(annual_data, annual_data.by_year)
        colnames(df)[c(6, 7, 8)] <- c("interest.by_year", "principal.by_year", "payment.by_year")
    simulate_tradeoff <- function(start_prop_value = NULL,
                                  down_payment_pct = NULL,
                                  mortgage_rate = NULL,
                                  n_years = NULL, 
                                  initial_fixed_costs = NULL,
                                  prop_tax_rate_pct = NULL,
                                  prop_insurance = NULL,
                                  HOA_monthly_fee = NULL,
                                  start_rent = NULL,
                                  rent_insurance = NULL,
                                  annual_appreciation = NULL, annual_appreciation_sd = NULL, 
                                  annual_inv = NULL, annual_inv_sd = NULL, 
                                  annual_inflation = NULL, annual_inflation_sd = NULL, 
                                  annual_rent_extra_increase_mean = NULL, 
                                  fraction_extra_cash_invested_pct = NULL,
                                  income_tax_rate_pct = 25.0,
                                  itemized_deductions = 0.0,
                                  std_deduction = NULL, 
                                  n_sim = 200) {
      # Setting up mortgage tables
      mortgage <- setup_mortgage_monthly(start_prop_value = start_prop_value,
                                         down_payment_pct = down_payment_pct,
                                         mortgage_rate = mortgage_rate,
                                         n_years = n_years)
      # mortgage <- do.call(setup_mortgage_monthly, getParams1(input, paramNamesMort)) 
      annual.mortgage <- make_mortgage_annual(monthly_data = mortgage)
      # Inputs
      # Initial Property Value
      start.prop_value <- start_prop_value
      # Down Payment
      down.payment <- start.prop_value*down_payment_pct / 100.0
      # Additional Fixed Initial Costs
      initial.fixed_costs <- initial_fixed_costs
      # Initial Property Insurance [index to INFLATION]
      prop.insurance <- prop_insurance
      # Property Tax Rate
      prop.tax.rate <- prop_tax_rate_pct / 100
      # HOA fees [index to INFLATION]
      HOA.monthly.fee <- HOA_monthly_fee
      HOA.annual.fee <- HOA.monthly.fee * 12.0
      # Initial Monthly Rent [index to ~INFLATION]
      start.rent = start_rent
      # Monthly Rent Increase (use `rexp` to draw an increment over inflation rate)
      annual.rent.mean <- annual_rent_extra_increase_mean / 100
      # Initial Renter Insurance [index to INFLATION]
      rent.insurance <- rent_insurance
      # Fraction of extra cash re-invested
      fraction.extra_cash_invested <- fraction_extra_cash_invested_pct / 100
      # Income Tax Rate
      income.tax.rate <- income_tax_rate_pct / 100
      # Std Deduction [index to INFLATION]
      std.deduction <- std_deduction
      # Other Itemized Deductions [index to INFLATION] 
      itemized.deductions <- itemized_deductions
      # Property Appreciation
      annual.appr    <- annual_appreciation / 100
      annual.appr.sd <- annual_appreciation_sd / 100
      # Investment
      annual.invest    <- annual_inv / 100
      annual.invest.sd <- annual_inv_sd / 100
      # Inflation
      annual.inflation    <- annual_inflation / 100
      annual.inflation.sd <- annual_inflation_sd / 100
      # Number of observations (in Years)
      n.years <- n_years
      # number of months to simulate
      n.periods <- 1
      n.obs <- n.periods * n.years
      # Number of simulations
      n.sim <- n_sim
      # Spreading the rate quantities to sub-periods (not necessarily months maybe)
      # Property Appreciation
      monthly.appr    <- annual.appr / n.periods
      monthly.appr.sd <- annual.appr.sd / sqrt(n.periods)
      # Investment
      monthly.invest    <- annual.invest / n.periods
      monthly.invest.sd <- annual.invest.sd / sqrt(n.periods)
      # Inflation
      monthly.inflation    <- annual.inflation / n.periods
      monthly.inflation.sd <- annual.inflation.sd / sqrt(n.periods)
      # The following should be updated only at the full years
      # extra rent increase
      # monthly.rent.lambda <- annual.rent.mean / n.periods
      annual.rent.lambda <- 1.0 / annual.rent.mean
      # simulate Returns
      monthly.appr.returns      <- matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)
      monthly.invest.returns    <- matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)
      monthly.inflation.returns <- matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)
      # monthly.rent.returns      <- matrix(0, n.obs, n.sim)       # rent should really be increase only yearly
      monthly.appr.returns[]      <- rnorm(n.obs*n.sim, mean = monthly.appr, sd = monthly.appr.sd)
      monthly.invest.returns[]    <- rnorm(n.obs*n.sim, mean = monthly.invest, sd = monthly.invest.sd)
      monthly.inflation.returns[] <- rnorm(n.obs*n.sim, mean = monthly.inflation, sd = monthly.inflation.sd)
      # Not allowing for deflation
      monthly.inflation.returns   <- ifelse(monthly.inflation.returns <= 0, 0.0, monthly.inflation.returns)
      # resets first-year inflation rate to zero.
      monthly.inflation.returns[1:n.periods, ] <- 0.0
      annual.appr.returns.cumul <- cumprod.matrix(1 + monthly.appr.returns)[ (1:n.obs) %% n.periods == 0, ]
      annual.appr.returns       <- cumdiv.matrix(annual.appr.returns.cumul) - 1.0
      annual.appr.returns[1, ]  <- 0.0 
      annual.invest.returns.cumul <- cumprod.matrix(1 + monthly.invest.returns)[ (1:n.obs) %% n.periods == 0, ]
      annual.invest.returns       <- cumdiv.matrix(annual.invest.returns.cumul) - 1.0
      annual.invest.returns[1, ]  <- 0.0 
      annual.inflation.returns.cumul <- cumprod.matrix(1 + monthly.inflation.returns)[ (1:n.obs) %% n.periods == 0, ]
      annual.inflation.returns       <- cumdiv.matrix(annual.inflation.returns.cumul) - 1.0
      annual.inflation.returns.cumul[1, ]  <- 1.0 
      annual.inflation.returns[1, ]  <- 0.0 
      # FUDGE to set a constant rent increase
      if( annual.inflation.sd == 0 ) {
        annual.rent.increases      <- 0.0*annual.inflation.returns + annual.rent.mean
        annual.rent.increases[1, ] <- 0.0 
      } else {
      # REAL
        annual.rent.increases      <- annual.inflation.returns + rexp(n.years*n.sim, rate = annual.rent.lambda)
      sim.prop_value      <- matrix(start.prop_value, n.years, n.sim) * annual.appr.returns.cumul
      sim.prop.insurance <- matrix(prop.insurance, n.years, n.sim) * annual.inflation.returns.cumul
      sim.HOA.fee        <- matrix(HOA.annual.fee, n.years, n.sim) * annual.inflation.returns.cumul
      sim.rent           <- 12*start.rent*cumprod.matrix(1 + annual.rent.increases)
      sim.mort.interest  <- matrix(annual.mortgage$interest.by_year, n.years, n_sim)
      # Costs
      sim.own.costs <- sim.prop_value*prop.tax.rate + sim.prop.insurance + sim.HOA.fee
      sim.own.costs[1, ] <- sim.own.costs[1, ] + initial.fixed_costs
      sim.own.costs.with.mortgage <- sim.own.costs + annual.mortgage$payment.by_year
      # Tax Savings (or not)
      sim.deductions <- sim.mort.interest + sim.prop_value*prop.tax.rate + itemized.deductions*annual.inflation.returns.cumul
      sim.tax.savings <- ifelse(sim.deductions > std.deduction*annual.inflation.returns.cumul, 
      # True Cost (= Costs - Tax Savings)
      sim.own.true.cost <- sim.own.costs + annual.mortgage$payment.by_year - sim.tax.savings
      # Renting Costs
      sim.rent.cost <- sim.rent + rent.insurance*annual.inflation.returns.cumul
      # sim.rent.cost <- sim.rent 
      # Extra Cash and re-investment
      sim.cost.delta <- sim.own.true.cost - sim.rent.cost
      sim.extra.cash <- ifelse(sim.cost.delta > 0, sim.cost.delta, 0)
      sim.invest <- matrix(down.payment, n.years, n.sim) * annual.invest.returns.cumul
      sim.invest.alt <- sim.invest
      for (j in 2:n.obs) {
        sim.invest.alt[j, ] = (sim.invest.alt[j-1, ] + sim.extra.cash[j-1, ]*fraction.extra_cash_invested)*(1+annual.invest.returns[j,]) 
                             + sim.extra.cash[j-1, ]*(1-fraction.extra_cash_invested)
      sim.tradeoff <- -1*cumsum.matrix(sim.cost.delta) + (sim.prop_value - annual.mortgage$balance.end) - sim.invest.alt
    plot_sims <- function(n.sim, n.years, sim.to) {
        par(cex.main = 1.5)
        par(cex.lab = 2.0)
        par(cex.axis = 1.5)
        # layout3 : 1 / 2 
        shape1 <- c(rep(1,8))
        shape2 <- c(rep(2,4), rep(3,4))
        shape <- c( rep(shape1, 5), rep(shape2, 5))
        mat.layout3 <- matrix(shape, nrow = 10, ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
        palette(c("black", "grey50", "grey30", "grey70", "orange", "#0f23d9"))
        palette(rep(c("grey30", "grey70"), 3))
        ny1 <- floor(n.years*3/4)
        ny2 <- floor(n.years/2)
        # time-series
        par(mar =  c(5, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1)
        matplot(sim.to/1000, type="l", lwd=0.5, lty=1, col=1:6, 
            las = 1, 
                xlab = 'Years', 
            ylab = '1000s of Dollars', 
                main = 'Buy vs. Rent Tradeoff')
        abline(h=0, col="black", lty=2, lwd=2)
        abline(v=ny1, col="orange2", lwd=2)
        abline(v=ny2, col="purple2", lwd=2)
        abline(v=n.years, col="red2", lwd=3)
        # positive fraction 
        fraction.positive <- rowSums(sim.to > 0)/n.sim
        plot(1:length(fraction.positive), fraction.positive, type="n", 
             ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05),
         las = 1,
             xlab = 'Years', 
         ylab = 'Fraction', 
             main = 'Simulations with Buy "winning" over Rent')
        lines(1:length(fraction.positive), fraction.positive, col="blue", lwd = 3)
        abline(v=ny1, col="orange2", lwd=2)
        abline(v=ny2, col="purple2", lwd=2)
        abline(v=n.years, col="red2", lwd=3)
        # density distributions
        # i.years <- (1:n.years)[(1:n.years) %% 5 == 0]
        i.years <- 1:n.years
        # i.years <- 1:nrow(sim.to)
        to.range <- range(sim.to[i.years, ])/1000.
        to.xmin <- to.range[1] - 0.1*(to.range[2] - to.range[1])
        to.xmax <- to.range[2] + 0.1*(to.range[2] - to.range[1])
        to.distr <- matrix(0, length(i.years), n.sim)
        to.dens.x <- matrix(0, length(i.years), 512)
        to.dens.y <- matrix(0, length(i.years), 512)
        for( ii in 1:length(i.years) ) {
            iy <- i.years[ii]
            to.distr[ii, ] <- sim.to[iy, ]/1000.
        for( ii in 1:length(i.years) ) {
            to.dens.x[ii, ] <- density(to.distr[ii, ], n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$x
            to.dens.y[ii, ] <- density(to.distr[ii, ], n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$y
        tod.max <- max(to.dens.y[13:n.years, ])
        tod.min <- 0.0 - 0.05*tod.max
        tod.max <- 1.05*tod.max
        # to.dens.toplot.x <- density(sim.to[ny, ]/1000, n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$x
        # to.dens.toplot.y <- density(sim.to[ny, ]/1000, n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$y
        to.dens.toplot.x <- density(sim.to[nrow(sim.to), ]/1000, n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$x
        to.dens.toplot.y <- density(sim.to[nrow(sim.to), ]/1000, n=512, from=to.xmin, to=to.xmax)$y
        plot(to.dens.y, type="n", 
             xlim = c(to.xmin, to.xmax), 
         ylim = c(tod.min, tod.max),
         xlab = 'Thousands of $$$',
         ylab = "density",
             main = "Distribution of Tradeoff Amounts")
        for( ii in 1:length(i.years) ) {
            lines(to.dens.x[ii, ], to.dens.y[ii, ], col="grey70", lwd=1)
        abline(v=0, col="black", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        lines(to.dens.x[ny1, ], to.dens.y[ny1, ], col="orange2", lwd=2)
        lines(to.dens.x[ny2, ], to.dens.y[ny2, ], col="purple2", lwd=2)
        lines(to.dens.toplot.x, to.dens.toplot.y, col="red2", lwd=3)

R Session Info

# R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09)
# Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
# Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
# locale:
#  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8       
#  [4] LC_COLLATE=C               LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
#  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C              
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] ggplot2_1.0.1 magrittr_1.5  tidyr_0.2.0   dplyr_0.4.2   knitr_1.10.5 
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] DBI_0.3.1        MASS_7.3-41      R6_2.0.1         Rcpp_0.11.6      assertthat_0.1  
#  [6] colorspace_1.2-6 digest_0.6.8     evaluate_0.7     formatR_1.2      grid_3.1.3      
# [11] gtable_0.1.2     htmltools_0.2.6  munsell_0.4.2    parallel_3.1.3   plyr_1.8.3      
# [16] proto_0.3-10     reshape2_1.4.1   rmarkdown_0.7    scales_0.2.4     stringi_0.5-5   
# [21] stringr_1.0.0    tools_3.1.3      yaml_2.1.13